The Keyboard in London

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We (Mike Lurie, Greg Dunbar, Lauren Buono, Shawn Riley & Bryn Coveney) are a group of students studying abroad in London for the semester from Ithaca College in Ithaca, New York. This blog is to document our class experiences in "The Keyboard and it's Role in London Society" course, which is being taught by Diane Birr at the Ithaca College London Center, in South Kensington. Our studies focus on keyboard instruments (the Virginal, Harpsichord, Pianoforte, Piano, Organ, Electronic keyboard) and explore how these instruments are historically interwoven with the personal and social fabric of London society.

Wednesday, 27 February 2008

19th Century Music Critics

Music critics of the 19th Century ranged from professional to amateur. Many liked to write for non-musical periodicals as concert reviewers because they enjoyed the routine and schedule of established newspapers. Many played music non-professionally and established a connection with their audiences with layman's terms of performances and simple emotional explanations.  Although some were unethical in their critiques by accepting bribes from musicians, many took passion in their work, regardless of their backgrounds.

Here are a few such music critics:

Richard Mackenzie Bacon


•  Founded the Quarterly Musical Magazine and Review 
       and Norwich Mercury
•  Established the Norwich Musical Festival
•  Had visions of redefining the musician in the Royal
       Academy of Music
•  Expert on comparing English and Italian singing styles

•  For information on his contributions music, click here

James Henry Leigh Hunt

  Had a speech impediment, later cured, but it prevented a university education
Influenced by Thomas Gray and William Collins
Editor of the Examiner and Reflector
Sardonic and witty in his attacks on performances and
Hit absolute poverty in mid 1800s
Produced animated symmetry and metrical harmony in
bright poetry
•  For more information, click here or here
•  For poetry by Hunt, click here

Thomas Love Peacock
Wrote a set of novels with identical settings and
characters at a table discussing and criticizing
philosophical opinions of the day
Worked as Chief Examiner of Indian Correspondence
of the East India Company
Studied Italian, French, Latin and Greek by reading
books in the reading room of the British Museum
Wrote for the Examiner as an opera critic 
•  For more information on his life and works, click here

Information provided by Mike

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