The Keyboard in London

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We (Mike Lurie, Greg Dunbar, Lauren Buono, Shawn Riley & Bryn Coveney) are a group of students studying abroad in London for the semester from Ithaca College in Ithaca, New York. This blog is to document our class experiences in "The Keyboard and it's Role in London Society" course, which is being taught by Diane Birr at the Ithaca College London Center, in South Kensington. Our studies focus on keyboard instruments (the Virginal, Harpsichord, Pianoforte, Piano, Organ, Electronic keyboard) and explore how these instruments are historically interwoven with the personal and social fabric of London society.

Wednesday, 19 March 2008

London Pianoforte School

The London Pianoforte School is the name given to a group of composers and pianists working in London during the turn of the 19th century.  This designation recognizes their musical accomplishments and influence on the musical world, even today.   Composers of the School include Muzio Clementi, Johann Baptist Cramer, John Field, Jan Ladislave Dussek, and Sir William Sterndale Bennett.  This group produced some of the most significant piano music ever written.  For anyone interested in knowing more about this music, Nicholas Temperley, Professor Emeritus of Musicology at University of Illinois, has provided an invaluable resource in his 20-volume collection of works entitled 'The London Pianoforte School, 1766-1860'.

Information provided by Shawn

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